
Cute Requests.

Took this from a friend and changed some things around, but kept some things as well. I'm just posting this for the heck of it. =]

..must love Jesus more than anything or anyone on the face of the planet and it will be obvious.
...must be operating in some/all of his spiritual gifts when I meet him.
...must be a virgin (renewed and purified in Christ or literally)
...must treat his mother with respect and honor and kindness, but will not be tied down to her beck and call.
...must drive his own car.
...must be into reading the Word with me and praying with me.
...must be able to teach/lead me in the Lord and receive from me as well.
...must be able to do his own laundry.
...must be able to clean and cook decently.
...must be able to budget.
...must have a job.
...must NOT be arrogant, overly jerkish, or overpowering.
...must have lived with roommates (not girls)
...must love hip hop, hardcore, and indie or at least appreciate them.
...must take interest in whatever i am passionate about.
...must be wise about entertainment he chooses to take in.
...must keep me accountable, but encourage me to have female accountability (and have his own male accountability)
...must love my FAMILY.
...must exemplify traits of my husband, Jesus: kind, patient, gracious, prudent, thoughtful, meek, clever, funny, doting when it comes to complimenting or encouraging me, righteously jealous, true, joyful, knowledgeable about an array of subjects, wearing a mantle of authority.


...will have chops or a pleasant scruffiness (and also look good clean-shaven).
...will have stretched ears.
...will be able to dress well and not look gay in metro-ish clothes.
...will have a super cute personality.
...will SOMETIMES let me pick what he wears, and how he does his hair. I won't be demanding and scary of course, but once and a while I might like to see him wear a certain shirt, or have his hair a certain way.
...will let me pick his cologne. Face it, some things smell awful. I'll let you pick mine, if you let me pick yours. =]
...will have nice arms.
...will be able to protect me physically.
...will want to go to on missions some day.
...will love all kinds of food and be able to expose me to new tastes.
...will be romantic.
...will like to take me on dates.
...will take me to a fancy restaurant once in a while and get all dressed up and look super GQ and genuinely think I look gorgeous (and tell me so, of course).
...will send me flowers.
...will like to go on adventures and travel.
...will figure out/find out my favorite flower(s) without me telling him.
...will "study" me and surprise me with what he knows.
...will keep me guessing.
...will like my short hair/no hair/long hair/colored hair/whatever hair.
...will be honest when he doesn't happen to approve of one of my fashion endeavors, but let me be me (within modesty parameters).
...will take and give constructive criticism in general.
...will be able to expose me to new musical tastes/artists.
...will be tenacious and passionate about the Lord and whatever He gives him to do or take interest in.
...will have tattoos and want/like me to have them.
...will like to/know how to/at least try to rollerskate, go bowling, arcade with me from time to time, swim.
...will pursue me as well as wait for me.
...will fight for me (physically, spiritually).
...will always opt to communicate rather than run from uncomfortable conversations.
...will support me, motivate me, sharpen me, and take care of me.

While all these are nice. I know that what the Lord has in store for me will be my standard, and that He will give me the desires of my heart. I'm not looking for a perfect mold fit, because I know I won't find it. Above all of these awesome traits, I want my husband to simply LOVE Jesus, and love me the way Jesus demands husbands to love their wives. =]
The end.


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