I don't even have the words right now.
Just know that I trust You, Lord, with everything that I am and everything that I have.
Guide me.
A Heart Set Ablaze
I want an old school fire.
I want a "John Wesley, Martin Luther, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, Leonard Ravenhill" kind of fire. I'm sick of this "emergent, make everyone happy" fire. That's not fire. Fire burns.
I want to be burnt alive by the fire of God. Not made comfortable by the fire of this world.
There's got to be more of God than the world is giving me.
This can't be all.
I will find this fire.
I will find the presence of the God who is a 'consuming fire'.
Even if it means the end of my life.
Mark my words.
I want a "John Wesley, Martin Luther, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, Leonard Ravenhill" kind of fire. I'm sick of this "emergent, make everyone happy" fire. That's not fire. Fire burns.
I want to be burnt alive by the fire of God. Not made comfortable by the fire of this world.
There's got to be more of God than the world is giving me.
This can't be all.
I will find this fire.
I will find the presence of the God who is a 'consuming fire'.
Even if it means the end of my life.
Mark my words.
"I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn."
-John Wesley
Jesus Loves Me This I know.
One day I'll look back on all of this, and I'll truly see just how FAR You have brought me, O Lord.
"Lay Hold"
Lay your life, your dreams, your desires, your sin at the foot of the cross.
Pick up HIS dreams, HIS desires, HIS burdens.
And above all else, pick up your cross and GO!
And don't you ever look back at what you've left behind.
Just know that it's covered by the blood, and will no longer be held against you.
When you stumble, get up quickly and dust yourself off, lest you tarry in your sin.
When you trip, regain composure and ask God for His strength.
Do not look to the left nor to the right, lest your eyes be enticed by the lusts of this world.
Just press on and press through, fighting the good fight of faith, and persevering, making sure to stop along the way to aid any fallen brethren, and to encourage any lagging behind.
And when you make it to that Glorious City, where for eternity, you will be praising the God that poured out His rich mercy on you;
When you make it to the throne room, with it's thousands of believers worshiping at the feet of God;
Make sure you find me.
So I can throw my arms around your neck and tell you how glad I am that you made it, and how excited I am to worship God with you until forever more.
You are my family.
And we will win this fight together, by the grace of our Lord Jesus!!
He. Is. Worthy.
We will take the Nations together, by the grace of God!!
So, GO.
Go, and never return.
'It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.'
Pick up HIS dreams, HIS desires, HIS burdens.
And above all else, pick up your cross and GO!
And don't you ever look back at what you've left behind.
Just know that it's covered by the blood, and will no longer be held against you.
When you stumble, get up quickly and dust yourself off, lest you tarry in your sin.
When you trip, regain composure and ask God for His strength.
Do not look to the left nor to the right, lest your eyes be enticed by the lusts of this world.
Just press on and press through, fighting the good fight of faith, and persevering, making sure to stop along the way to aid any fallen brethren, and to encourage any lagging behind.
And when you make it to that Glorious City, where for eternity, you will be praising the God that poured out His rich mercy on you;
When you make it to the throne room, with it's thousands of believers worshiping at the feet of God;
Make sure you find me.
So I can throw my arms around your neck and tell you how glad I am that you made it, and how excited I am to worship God with you until forever more.
You are my family.
And we will win this fight together, by the grace of our Lord Jesus!!
He. Is. Worthy.
We will take the Nations together, by the grace of God!!
So, GO.
Go, and never return.
'It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.'
Dear God:
If I could sing you a thousand love songs, I would.
But you see, I have trouble finding the words sometimes, and I don't exactly know how to express myself most of the time. I'm clumsy and I can be pretty awkward. My feelings get hurt pretty easy, and I'm not as tough as I act sometimes.
I'm laying here, Lord, and I'm wondering, why did You make me the way I am?
Why did you give me a heart full of so much love that I feel like it's going to explode on people at any given moment?
Why did you give me a love for animals that impacts me so much that I try to pray for animals that are hurt to be healed?
Why have you put the urge to be married and have a husband so deep in my heart?
Why do I cry when I see a beautiful sunrise or sunset?
Why do I feel at peace during a thunderstorm?
Why does my heart beat faster when I see two people deeply in love?
Why do I have blue/green eyes and blonde hair?
Why do I love to have friends?
Why does music about You give me the chills?
Why do I laugh when I feel rain on my skin?
Why do words have such meaning for me?
Why do I cry for no reason at all sometimes?
Why do I get so afraid of my future?
Why do I play some songs on repeat and still never tire of them?
Why is my favorite season winter?
Why do I want to hold someone's hand one day, and never let go?
Why do I get so mad sometimes?
Why don't I like myself a lot of the time?
Why do you put specific people in my life that make me feel so much love and beauty, but then take them away?
Why can't I get over this stupid love nonsense and just be satisfied with You?
Why can't I forgive myself?
Why can't I feel you sometimes?
Why is it so hard to just drop it all and seek Your heart?
Why do I always have to mess up and hurt You?
Why do I put so much trust in my feelings?
Why do I ask so many stupid questions?
Why can't I see what you're doing with my life?
Why can't I just freaking cry until it hurts like I know I need too?
Why are you breaking my heart right now?
I am SO insecure.
I am SO inadequate.
I am SO unprepared.
I am SO broken.
I am SO messy.
I want all of this love and all of these things, but I am far from ready. I am still such a wreck. I just want to cry! But the tears refuse to come. My heart is heavy, and I am lost on what to do.
I'm not doubting my salvation or struggling in my walk.
It's just one of those times when your insides hurt and you want to be broken by God but it won't come.
I let my head and my heart get the best of my sometimes and it never ends up good.
There's not a specific reason I feel this way, but suddenly the feelings are there.
The Lord is good despite how I feel or how it looks to me.
God.. "Sometimes I cry when it's late at night, and You're not there to lay next to me."
At least it feels that way.
I love You.
But you see, I have trouble finding the words sometimes, and I don't exactly know how to express myself most of the time. I'm clumsy and I can be pretty awkward. My feelings get hurt pretty easy, and I'm not as tough as I act sometimes.
I'm laying here, Lord, and I'm wondering, why did You make me the way I am?
Why did you give me a heart full of so much love that I feel like it's going to explode on people at any given moment?
Why did you give me a love for animals that impacts me so much that I try to pray for animals that are hurt to be healed?
Why have you put the urge to be married and have a husband so deep in my heart?
Why do I cry when I see a beautiful sunrise or sunset?
Why do I feel at peace during a thunderstorm?
Why does my heart beat faster when I see two people deeply in love?
Why do I have blue/green eyes and blonde hair?
Why do I love to have friends?
Why does music about You give me the chills?
Why do I laugh when I feel rain on my skin?
Why do words have such meaning for me?
Why do I cry for no reason at all sometimes?
Why do I get so afraid of my future?
Why do I play some songs on repeat and still never tire of them?
Why is my favorite season winter?
Why do I want to hold someone's hand one day, and never let go?
Why do I get so mad sometimes?
Why don't I like myself a lot of the time?
Why do you put specific people in my life that make me feel so much love and beauty, but then take them away?
Why can't I get over this stupid love nonsense and just be satisfied with You?
Why can't I forgive myself?
Why can't I feel you sometimes?
Why is it so hard to just drop it all and seek Your heart?
Why do I always have to mess up and hurt You?
Why do I put so much trust in my feelings?
Why do I ask so many stupid questions?
Why can't I see what you're doing with my life?
Why can't I just freaking cry until it hurts like I know I need too?
Why are you breaking my heart right now?
I am SO insecure.
I am SO inadequate.
I am SO unprepared.
I am SO broken.
I am SO messy.
I want all of this love and all of these things, but I am far from ready. I am still such a wreck. I just want to cry! But the tears refuse to come. My heart is heavy, and I am lost on what to do.
I'm not doubting my salvation or struggling in my walk.
It's just one of those times when your insides hurt and you want to be broken by God but it won't come.
I let my head and my heart get the best of my sometimes and it never ends up good.
There's not a specific reason I feel this way, but suddenly the feelings are there.
The Lord is good despite how I feel or how it looks to me.
God.. "Sometimes I cry when it's late at night, and You're not there to lay next to me."
At least it feels that way.
I love You.
Cute Requests.
Took this from a friend and changed some things around, but kept some things as well. I'm just posting this for the heck of it. =]
..must love Jesus more than anything or anyone on the face of the planet and it will be obvious.
...must be operating in some/all of his spiritual gifts when I meet him.
...must be a virgin (renewed and purified in Christ or literally)
...must treat his mother with respect and honor and kindness, but will not be tied down to her beck and call.
...must drive his own car.
...must be into reading the Word with me and praying with me.
...must be able to teach/lead me in the Lord and receive from me as well.
...must be able to do his own laundry.
...must be able to clean and cook decently.
...must be able to budget.
...must have a job.
...must NOT be arrogant, overly jerkish, or overpowering.
...must have lived with roommates (not girls)
...must love hip hop, hardcore, and indie or at least appreciate them.
...must take interest in whatever i am passionate about.
...must be wise about entertainment he chooses to take in.
...must keep me accountable, but encourage me to have female accountability (and have his own male accountability)
...must love my FAMILY.
...must exemplify traits of my husband, Jesus: kind, patient, gracious, prudent, thoughtful, meek, clever, funny, doting when it comes to complimenting or encouraging me, righteously jealous, true, joyful, knowledgeable about an array of subjects, wearing a mantle of authority.
...will have chops or a pleasant scruffiness (and also look good clean-shaven).
...will have stretched ears.
...will be able to dress well and not look gay in metro-ish clothes.
...will have a super cute personality.
...will SOMETIMES let me pick what he wears, and how he does his hair. I won't be demanding and scary of course, but once and a while I might like to see him wear a certain shirt, or have his hair a certain way.
...will let me pick his cologne. Face it, some things smell awful. I'll let you pick mine, if you let me pick yours. =]
...will have nice arms.
...will be able to protect me physically.
...will want to go to on missions some day.
...will love all kinds of food and be able to expose me to new tastes.
...will be romantic.
...will like to take me on dates.
...will take me to a fancy restaurant once in a while and get all dressed up and look super GQ and genuinely think I look gorgeous (and tell me so, of course).
...will send me flowers.
...will like to go on adventures and travel.
...will figure out/find out my favorite flower(s) without me telling him.
...will "study" me and surprise me with what he knows.
...will keep me guessing.
...will like my short hair/no hair/long hair/colored hair/whatever hair.
...will be honest when he doesn't happen to approve of one of my fashion endeavors, but let me be me (within modesty parameters).
...will take and give constructive criticism in general.
...will be able to expose me to new musical tastes/artists.
...will be tenacious and passionate about the Lord and whatever He gives him to do or take interest in.
...will have tattoos and want/like me to have them.
...will like to/know how to/at least try to rollerskate, go bowling, arcade with me from time to time, swim.
...will pursue me as well as wait for me.
...will fight for me (physically, spiritually).
...will always opt to communicate rather than run from uncomfortable conversations.
...will support me, motivate me, sharpen me, and take care of me.
While all these are nice. I know that what the Lord has in store for me will be my standard, and that He will give me the desires of my heart. I'm not looking for a perfect mold fit, because I know I won't find it. Above all of these awesome traits, I want my husband to simply LOVE Jesus, and love me the way Jesus demands husbands to love their wives. =]
The end.
..must love Jesus more than anything or anyone on the face of the planet and it will be obvious.
...must be operating in some/all of his spiritual gifts when I meet him.
...must be a virgin (renewed and purified in Christ or literally)
...must treat his mother with respect and honor and kindness, but will not be tied down to her beck and call.
...must drive his own car.
...must be into reading the Word with me and praying with me.
...must be able to teach/lead me in the Lord and receive from me as well.
...must be able to do his own laundry.
...must be able to clean and cook decently.
...must be able to budget.
...must have a job.
...must NOT be arrogant, overly jerkish, or overpowering.
...must have lived with roommates (not girls)
...must love hip hop, hardcore, and indie or at least appreciate them.
...must take interest in whatever i am passionate about.
...must be wise about entertainment he chooses to take in.
...must keep me accountable, but encourage me to have female accountability (and have his own male accountability)
...must love my FAMILY.
...must exemplify traits of my husband, Jesus: kind, patient, gracious, prudent, thoughtful, meek, clever, funny, doting when it comes to complimenting or encouraging me, righteously jealous, true, joyful, knowledgeable about an array of subjects, wearing a mantle of authority.
...will have chops or a pleasant scruffiness (and also look good clean-shaven).
...will have stretched ears.
...will be able to dress well and not look gay in metro-ish clothes.
...will have a super cute personality.
...will SOMETIMES let me pick what he wears, and how he does his hair. I won't be demanding and scary of course, but once and a while I might like to see him wear a certain shirt, or have his hair a certain way.
...will let me pick his cologne. Face it, some things smell awful. I'll let you pick mine, if you let me pick yours. =]
...will have nice arms.
...will be able to protect me physically.
...will want to go to on missions some day.
...will love all kinds of food and be able to expose me to new tastes.
...will be romantic.
...will like to take me on dates.
...will take me to a fancy restaurant once in a while and get all dressed up and look super GQ and genuinely think I look gorgeous (and tell me so, of course).
...will send me flowers.
...will like to go on adventures and travel.
...will figure out/find out my favorite flower(s) without me telling him.
...will "study" me and surprise me with what he knows.
...will keep me guessing.
...will like my short hair/no hair/long hair/colored hair/whatever hair.
...will be honest when he doesn't happen to approve of one of my fashion endeavors, but let me be me (within modesty parameters).
...will take and give constructive criticism in general.
...will be able to expose me to new musical tastes/artists.
...will be tenacious and passionate about the Lord and whatever He gives him to do or take interest in.
...will have tattoos and want/like me to have them.
...will like to/know how to/at least try to rollerskate, go bowling, arcade with me from time to time, swim.
...will pursue me as well as wait for me.
...will fight for me (physically, spiritually).
...will always opt to communicate rather than run from uncomfortable conversations.
...will support me, motivate me, sharpen me, and take care of me.
While all these are nice. I know that what the Lord has in store for me will be my standard, and that He will give me the desires of my heart. I'm not looking for a perfect mold fit, because I know I won't find it. Above all of these awesome traits, I want my husband to simply LOVE Jesus, and love me the way Jesus demands husbands to love their wives. =]
The end.
"You Put The Stars In The Sky And You Know Them By Name."
Well, as everyone probably knows from my recent blogs, status', bulletins, demeanor, etc. I've been having a VERY rough time lately. I've been feeling very down, and feeling far from God. I've been pressing on, but it's been hard.
Well, last night at bible study Pastor Cleetus prayed, and asked us to pray with him, for visions, dreams, and visitations. I prayed for this of course, and I was pretty doubtful that I would ever get to see it. Not doubtful that God can do it, just that I'd be the one He'd do it for. Pastor kept having us pray because he felt like people were doubting, haha. So I kept praying. Well, anyway, after that I sat there for a while and thought about what I'd do if I ever saw anything like that, and how if an angel visited me, or Jesus Himself for that matter, I'd never walk away from God and it'd be so easy to believe. Eventually I got up and went about my normal business.
Anyway, after the typical trip to Rosa's, around 11 pm some of us (Anthony, Terisa, Ryan, Aaron, Nicole, Brandon, and I) decided to take a little trip to Prayer Mountain in Dallas mostly because they've been wanting to see it. Already having been once before, and loved it, I agreed to go, eagerly.
Once we got there, we walked around a bit and explored and I took some pictures. We stumbled upon a group of twenty-somethings drinking, and Anthony stayed to evangelize, while Aaron, Ryan and I walked off. We went and stood on the deck overlooking the city and just chilled. Finally everyone else came over, and Nicole said, "If you look at the sky long enough, you'll see a shooting star." Interested, I craned my neck upward and stared at the sky for a while. Aaron had laid down on the deck as this point and was watching for one too. The position I was in, standing with my neck awkwardly craned upward, got uncomfortable after a few minutes and everyone was getting ready to go and walking off, except Aaron and I. Loosing heart I step back and yell at the top of my lungs, "I WANT TO SEE ONE SHOOTING STAR, LORD! JUST ONE! Please.." And I stared at the sky for a few minutes, sad because I would probably not see what I wanted, and bummed because I'd walk away with another reason to doubt...
When all of a sudden the tiniest, quickest shooting star shoots right across the little patch of sky my eyes were trained on, not to the side, or out of the corner of my eye, no, it was perfectly mid-view, and JUST quick enough for me to catch. I shout, Aaron jumps up and yells, "OH MY GOSH!", and I start to laugh, then grab my head and say, "I'm going to cry.." And I walk off the deck, utterly freaking out all over and I can't stand under the weight of the Holy Spirit, so I fall to my knee's and weep. I weep harder than I have in a while. I weep because I ever doubted God. But then I laugh. I laugh as hard as I have in a while. I laugh because God did that for me! Just for me! Then I go back to crying, and I repeat this strange jump from laughing to crying to laughing several times until I'm finally on my face. Then I roll onto my back and laugh one long, last time. In the midst of this crazy Holy Spirit moment, everyone walks over and I can hear them talking to Aaron. Someone asks, "What's wrong with Katie?" And he explains what we saw, and everyone's blown away. Aaron's like, "God answered Katie's prayer!" I'm just thinking, "You have no idea!" At this point, no one can tell whether I'm laughing or crying, and I truly can't either.
After everyone walks off again, I sit up and move back over to the deck. I'm sitting there alone, and I start bawling again. I'm thinking about how this proves God is real. And how if God is real then what Jesus did for me is real too. This breaks my heart even more and I just cry. Finally they come back over and we all hang around for a bit and talk about what happened. Anthony's like, "Aaron's your witness that this is legit." And Aaron's talking about how, "After you shouted, I said in my head 'send a shooting star, Lord' and the next thing I know I see one." And I'm just sitting there, not wanting to ever leave that spot, and just taking it all in.
Finally, we decide to head out, and I leave with the knowledge that after that moment nothing can ever be the same in my life. And I realize that if it does stay the same that I might as well walk away from God, especially after seeing something to that caliber.
It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a vision. And it wasn't an angelic visitation. But it was exactly what I needed after a month of begging God to make this all real to me. I count it a form of visitation. It was definitely a sign/wonder. The Lord reached through the folds of time and space just to show me He loved me. He manifested His power just for me that night. Just to think that thousands of years ago, He saw this moment, and set that star up to shoot by in that exact spot I was looking at the exact right time, and not a minute before or after.
Praise Him.
Sorry if this is a rough blog.
I'm exhausted.
Well, last night at bible study Pastor Cleetus prayed, and asked us to pray with him, for visions, dreams, and visitations. I prayed for this of course, and I was pretty doubtful that I would ever get to see it. Not doubtful that God can do it, just that I'd be the one He'd do it for. Pastor kept having us pray because he felt like people were doubting, haha. So I kept praying. Well, anyway, after that I sat there for a while and thought about what I'd do if I ever saw anything like that, and how if an angel visited me, or Jesus Himself for that matter, I'd never walk away from God and it'd be so easy to believe. Eventually I got up and went about my normal business.
Anyway, after the typical trip to Rosa's, around 11 pm some of us (Anthony, Terisa, Ryan, Aaron, Nicole, Brandon, and I) decided to take a little trip to Prayer Mountain in Dallas mostly because they've been wanting to see it. Already having been once before, and loved it, I agreed to go, eagerly.
Once we got there, we walked around a bit and explored and I took some pictures. We stumbled upon a group of twenty-somethings drinking, and Anthony stayed to evangelize, while Aaron, Ryan and I walked off. We went and stood on the deck overlooking the city and just chilled. Finally everyone else came over, and Nicole said, "If you look at the sky long enough, you'll see a shooting star." Interested, I craned my neck upward and stared at the sky for a while. Aaron had laid down on the deck as this point and was watching for one too. The position I was in, standing with my neck awkwardly craned upward, got uncomfortable after a few minutes and everyone was getting ready to go and walking off, except Aaron and I. Loosing heart I step back and yell at the top of my lungs, "I WANT TO SEE ONE SHOOTING STAR, LORD! JUST ONE! Please.." And I stared at the sky for a few minutes, sad because I would probably not see what I wanted, and bummed because I'd walk away with another reason to doubt...
When all of a sudden the tiniest, quickest shooting star shoots right across the little patch of sky my eyes were trained on, not to the side, or out of the corner of my eye, no, it was perfectly mid-view, and JUST quick enough for me to catch. I shout, Aaron jumps up and yells, "OH MY GOSH!", and I start to laugh, then grab my head and say, "I'm going to cry.." And I walk off the deck, utterly freaking out all over and I can't stand under the weight of the Holy Spirit, so I fall to my knee's and weep. I weep harder than I have in a while. I weep because I ever doubted God. But then I laugh. I laugh as hard as I have in a while. I laugh because God did that for me! Just for me! Then I go back to crying, and I repeat this strange jump from laughing to crying to laughing several times until I'm finally on my face. Then I roll onto my back and laugh one long, last time. In the midst of this crazy Holy Spirit moment, everyone walks over and I can hear them talking to Aaron. Someone asks, "What's wrong with Katie?" And he explains what we saw, and everyone's blown away. Aaron's like, "God answered Katie's prayer!" I'm just thinking, "You have no idea!" At this point, no one can tell whether I'm laughing or crying, and I truly can't either.
After everyone walks off again, I sit up and move back over to the deck. I'm sitting there alone, and I start bawling again. I'm thinking about how this proves God is real. And how if God is real then what Jesus did for me is real too. This breaks my heart even more and I just cry. Finally they come back over and we all hang around for a bit and talk about what happened. Anthony's like, "Aaron's your witness that this is legit." And Aaron's talking about how, "After you shouted, I said in my head 'send a shooting star, Lord' and the next thing I know I see one." And I'm just sitting there, not wanting to ever leave that spot, and just taking it all in.
Finally, we decide to head out, and I leave with the knowledge that after that moment nothing can ever be the same in my life. And I realize that if it does stay the same that I might as well walk away from God, especially after seeing something to that caliber.
It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a vision. And it wasn't an angelic visitation. But it was exactly what I needed after a month of begging God to make this all real to me. I count it a form of visitation. It was definitely a sign/wonder. The Lord reached through the folds of time and space just to show me He loved me. He manifested His power just for me that night. Just to think that thousands of years ago, He saw this moment, and set that star up to shoot by in that exact spot I was looking at the exact right time, and not a minute before or after.
Praise Him.
Sorry if this is a rough blog.
I'm exhausted.
God Works In Weird Ways.
So, I didn't think I was getting another tattoo until at least Cornerstone, if not after but tonight I went with Misty and Audrey to get Audrey's tattoo covered up. Well, at all the shops they wanted to go to, none of the artists they wanted to get inked by were working, so I mentioned Elm Street Tattoo since I know some people from DBC get work done there. We head out, and while Audrey's talking to the guy Misty offers to buy me a simple tattoo for like 50 bucks. I was like, "Well, heck yes, I'll take a blessing." Haha. I've been wanting a tiny anchor on my neck for a while. Well I took the idea to Bobby at Elm Street, and he refused to tattoo my neck since I'm so young, and I don't have many tats. I respected that, and after talking to him about how I was living for the Lord and the like, we decided to move it to my wrist. I was telling him about how I loved the traditional look, and he agreed, saying it's "a timeless look that never gets old". I told him to have fun with it and put his own spin on the anchor, because in all honesty I love it when artists add their flare to my tattoo's, as long as they stay to the basic idea and principle. He asked how big I wanted it, and I told him he could make it big if he wanted but I didn't want to go over the 60-70 dollar limit he told me it would cost to begin with. He went into the back to work on it, and after 15 minutes he comes back out. I'm expecting a 4 inch little anchor for my wrist and he busts out this EPIC piece.
Before I continue with a description, let me pause and bring to light how the Lord wrecked me through a unexpected tattoo.
Lately, I've been in the worst mood ever because I feel like everything is crumbling around me, and anything that could go wrong HAS gone wrong in the past week. I was in this place of loosing heart, and feeling like I was getting hit by the enemy from every possible angle. I had no idea what to do.
Anyway, he brings out this amazing, beautiful piece and I almost cried because the minute I saw it I got smacked in the face with revelation from God. The tattoo had an anchor in the background with a shield with a cross on it in the foreground. The Lord was like, "Yeah, you are getting hit from every angle, but that's why I gave you the SHIELD OF FAITH when you became a Christian. Now lift that thing up and hold on to the Hope of your salvation; THE ANCHOR OF MAN."
I was like, "NO WAY GOD! You're speaking to me through tattoo's."
So, I have this amazing forearm piece, that will forever remind me of this pivotal moment in my life in which God branded me to FIGHT, and not lose heart.
So, seriously, the next time someone tells me God hates tattoo's, what a story I'll have for them, eh?
He is good, and He reveals Himself in STRANGE ways. If we would haven't gone to Elm Street this wouldn't have happened and I'd still be massively downcast. Not to mention if Misty wouldn't have been amazing and spent 70 bucks on my tattoo, I would still be utterly downcast.
God works things out, and no matter what I feel, I won't give up on this beautiful Man who touches me and woo's me in ways the world would call, "strange".

Before I continue with a description, let me pause and bring to light how the Lord wrecked me through a unexpected tattoo.
Lately, I've been in the worst mood ever because I feel like everything is crumbling around me, and anything that could go wrong HAS gone wrong in the past week. I was in this place of loosing heart, and feeling like I was getting hit by the enemy from every possible angle. I had no idea what to do.
Anyway, he brings out this amazing, beautiful piece and I almost cried because the minute I saw it I got smacked in the face with revelation from God. The tattoo had an anchor in the background with a shield with a cross on it in the foreground. The Lord was like, "Yeah, you are getting hit from every angle, but that's why I gave you the SHIELD OF FAITH when you became a Christian. Now lift that thing up and hold on to the Hope of your salvation; THE ANCHOR OF MAN."
I was like, "NO WAY GOD! You're speaking to me through tattoo's."
So, I have this amazing forearm piece, that will forever remind me of this pivotal moment in my life in which God branded me to FIGHT, and not lose heart.
So, seriously, the next time someone tells me God hates tattoo's, what a story I'll have for them, eh?
He is good, and He reveals Himself in STRANGE ways. If we would haven't gone to Elm Street this wouldn't have happened and I'd still be massively downcast. Not to mention if Misty wouldn't have been amazing and spent 70 bucks on my tattoo, I would still be utterly downcast.
God works things out, and no matter what I feel, I won't give up on this beautiful Man who touches me and woo's me in ways the world would call, "strange".
And The Journey Begins Again.
Take a deep breath.
Press onward.
Repeat daily.
I love you, Lord, and only You can get me through mess I've made of myself.
Take a deep breath.
Press onward.
Repeat daily.
I love you, Lord, and only You can get me through mess I've made of myself.
I've Decided.
I've decided...
-He is worthy and above all things.-I do not have to be afraid because He has not given me a spirit of fear.
-I do not have to worry because I can cast all my anxieties onto Him.
-I do not have to make decisions on my own because He can influence them.
-I do not have to be alone ever again because He is always with me.
-I do not have to fear death because I know where I am going.
-I do not have to be confused because He wrote a book that answers all my questions.
He is amazing.
He is altogether lovely.
He is King.
I love a romance novel where God and I are the main characters.
I won't let today's troubles worry me. I will lean on the Lord.
i do not exist.
only You exist.
Oh, my Beautiful One.
Oh my beautiful God..
You consume me.You hold me.
You desire me.
You pursue me.
You rain on me.
You cover me.
You carry me.
You dance with me.
You sing to me.
You whisper sweetly to me.
You hold my hand.
You watch me.
You LOVE me.
literally feel the hand of God on my heart right now. Fixing things,
healing things. It's like a love so deep I can't handle it and I feel
distraught, but calm at the same time. And I feel like I want to just
sit and sob, but I can't at the same time. I love Him. I love Him... Oh
my goodness.. I feel like the girl who's finally finding out she's
fallen deeply in love. It's like sorrow mixed with nerves mixed with
such immense joy. My heart is full to bursting.. I need Him.. I need my
He is so good right now, you guys..
Just fall into His arms.
He's waiting to catch you.
I'm Not Perfect.
So, I thought I'd post this just so everyone knows my heart right now.
I'm not skinny.
I'm not thin.
I'm not a model.
I'm fat.
I'm chubby.
I guess I could be a plus sized model...
There. It's out there.
Now here's this:
Just because I'm fat doesn't mean I like being this way. It doesn't mean I WANT to look like this. And it absolutely doesn't mean I should automatically be open to insult.
I'd love to be fit actually. So I could praise the Lord without having to pause to pull up my pants, or pull down my shirt, or catch my breath. I'd love to be in shape so I could do what I love; RUN. I'd love to be thin so I could feel better about myself.
Because, I do have self esteem issues due to years and years of brutal bullying. I was picked on in the worst ways possible. I've seen the worst of mankind. I've been their victim.
But at the same time. Right now. At this very moment. I don't care enough about how I look to try and diet and do all that. I'm an active heavy person. I eat healthy. Just because I'm fat doesn't mean all I do is sit around and shove food in my face. I eat maybe, MAYBE two meals a day to be honest. I just don't eat a lot. But I'm still big.
I also want to put it out there that yes, physical discipline is a great thing to have in your walk with Christ. But, come one, your body should reveal the Glory of God? What is that bull honky? God can shine through a obese, wheel-chair bound man if He wants to. Yeah, be fit for God. Definitly. I don't want my weight to restrict what I'm doing for the Lord, but God's Glory shines on big and small alike.
All this is being said because lately, for the first time in 2 years, my body shape has been being shoved in my face. I've been called fat more than twice this year. Most of you probably don't know what it feels like.
Let me tell you, it sucks being made to feel so small that you're worth nothing. Insults to my physical appearance cut me SO deep. Think of the worst thing someone could say to you, multiply it by 5, and you'll have an inkling of how embarrassing it is. I HATE feeling ugly. Because when I ask the question "am I lovely?" all I hear from myself is NO. And no matter what anyone else says, I still hear NO. I want to be delivered from this!!
Anywho, I just wanted to get this off my chest, because it needs to be.
Just because I'm big doesn't mean it's an open door to be a jerk to me.
It doesn't mean I WANT to be like this.
And it doesn't mean I'm gross, and I don't care about myself.
It means I made mistakes.
God will work it out.
If I'm meant to stay big, great.
If He wants to toss off a few pounds, sweet.
But I refuse to get caught up in self-image.
I love you guys.
I'm not skinny.
I'm not thin.
I'm not a model.
I'm fat.
I'm chubby.
I guess I could be a plus sized model...
There. It's out there.
Now here's this:
Just because I'm fat doesn't mean I like being this way. It doesn't mean I WANT to look like this. And it absolutely doesn't mean I should automatically be open to insult.
I'd love to be fit actually. So I could praise the Lord without having to pause to pull up my pants, or pull down my shirt, or catch my breath. I'd love to be in shape so I could do what I love; RUN. I'd love to be thin so I could feel better about myself.
Because, I do have self esteem issues due to years and years of brutal bullying. I was picked on in the worst ways possible. I've seen the worst of mankind. I've been their victim.
But at the same time. Right now. At this very moment. I don't care enough about how I look to try and diet and do all that. I'm an active heavy person. I eat healthy. Just because I'm fat doesn't mean all I do is sit around and shove food in my face. I eat maybe, MAYBE two meals a day to be honest. I just don't eat a lot. But I'm still big.
I also want to put it out there that yes, physical discipline is a great thing to have in your walk with Christ. But, come one, your body should reveal the Glory of God? What is that bull honky? God can shine through a obese, wheel-chair bound man if He wants to. Yeah, be fit for God. Definitly. I don't want my weight to restrict what I'm doing for the Lord, but God's Glory shines on big and small alike.
All this is being said because lately, for the first time in 2 years, my body shape has been being shoved in my face. I've been called fat more than twice this year. Most of you probably don't know what it feels like.
Let me tell you, it sucks being made to feel so small that you're worth nothing. Insults to my physical appearance cut me SO deep. Think of the worst thing someone could say to you, multiply it by 5, and you'll have an inkling of how embarrassing it is. I HATE feeling ugly. Because when I ask the question "am I lovely?" all I hear from myself is NO. And no matter what anyone else says, I still hear NO. I want to be delivered from this!!
Anywho, I just wanted to get this off my chest, because it needs to be.
Just because I'm big doesn't mean it's an open door to be a jerk to me.
It doesn't mean I WANT to be like this.
And it doesn't mean I'm gross, and I don't care about myself.
It means I made mistakes.
God will work it out.
If I'm meant to stay big, great.
If He wants to toss off a few pounds, sweet.
But I refuse to get caught up in self-image.
I love you guys.
Enter The Throne Room.
This literally came to me at 4 o'clock in the morning. The whole thing, just at random. I immediately copied it onto my iPod. It was like the Holy Spirit put this cry on my heart..
I come before You boldly, my King
I come before You boldly, my King
I need You presence Father, I'm dying
Won't you open my eyes (my eyes)
To the things unseen
Fill my cup to overflowing
And set me loose on this world
There is nothing I need (nothing I need)
That is better than You
You are my Utmost Provider
I lean on You (I lean on You)
I come before You boldly, my King
I come before You boldly, my King
I need You presence Father, I'm dying
Won't you open my eyes (my eyes)
To the things unseen
Fill my cup to overflowing
And set me loose on this world
There is nothing I need (nothing I need)
That is better than You
You are my Utmost Provider
I lean on You (I lean on You)
(DISCLAIMER: This is long, and this is heartfelt. Please leave comments with advice or scriptures or words of knowledge. They're greatly appreciated. Also, this blog is not about how bad of a father I had. I love my dad severely, I'm just also severely hurt by his choices. I'm beginning to realize that. It's hard, but it's something I need to allow to be brought into the open. Thanks for reading this, if you do.)

I don't know if anyone else has really noticed it but recently the Lord has really been revealing His Father heart at DBC. I know just about everyone I talk to has been being worked on by the Lord concerning their earthly fathers.
I'm one of them.
Since about January, I've been realizing things about my dad that I never noticed, or cared to notice before. God's been bringing up past hurts, and it really stinks. I've spent my whole life ignoring the fact that my dad left a huge emotional scar on my heart. I've brushed it to the side and acted as though it was nothing more than just a little scrape, when in reality it's this huge infected gaping hole that I haven't allowed God to heal. I'm going to pretty much spill my heart in this blog because I need to, and it's going to get messy.
I need to get it off my chest, and I'm hoping it will help someone else in a rough spot with their dad.
When I was about 2 years old my parents split up. I don't really remember them fighting but I know they didn't get along. I'm not sure if my memories of them fighting are real or something my mind has conceived out of things they've told me.
I grew up without my dad there to teach me to ride a bike, or kiss my scratched knee's. When I was around him, he mentally wasn't there because he was either on drugs or drinking. I mean, he did try, and I do have several memories of this. Such as, when he made it a point to be there for my first day of school every year in elementary school. We'd cruise up to the drop-off point blasting AC/DC and I'd feel like I had the COOLEST dad in the universe. Or when my parents were still together and he spun me around over his head and called me Superwoman. Things like that are there, but very few, and very far between.
Growing up without a father caused me to replace that father-less hole with other things. Like boys. I was a ridiculous tomboy in elementary school, and I hung out with nothing but guys well into high school. I just wanted to be one of the guys. This had a pretty negative effect on me and I had to learn to not be so dependent on boys after becoming a Christian. Which was hard, but by the grace of God I grew more partial to being around girls.
Anywho, my dad has been very much absent my entire life, and has chosen drugs and (at one point) a woman over me. Leaving me feeling betrayed and alone, even though he was hardly there. I still have a scar from this and it's very, very raw. The Lord's been showing me this hurt and how it's effecting our relationship.
-I don't trust my father; so it's hard to trust God.
-My dad chose things over me; I'm afraid God will choose things over me.
So on and so forth.
The biggest issue seems to be that I don't even have the slightest clue what it means, or what it feels like to be a daughter to a father. I've never had that relationship. Never. Is that not crazy to anyone else? I do not and probably will not ever know what it feels like to be a daughter to my dad. This breaks me. It's tears open that scar so easily, like my heart is paper thin. I don't know what it feels like to be loved by a father.
-This has taken a toll on my relationship with God.
-My relationship with authority.
-And my relationship with the opposite sex.
I'm almost terrified of men. I have this deep fear that when I meet my future husband, he'll abandon me. Or, bore of me. I'm scared of divorce, because it's all I know. I'm scared because I don't know what marriage is supposed to look like.
All of this stuff is coming to the surface and wrecking me. I have done nothing but forgive my father my whole life. I've never hated him, and believe me I've tried. I can't. I love him. So much. So much it hurts me to call him because I'm terrified that we'll begin to get a relationship and he'll just drop me again. I don't blame him for anything though. I don't want this blog to make my dad sound like the worst father ever, because he's not. He did how he knew best to do. It's just that our lack of relationship has wrecked my relationship with God and I'm devastated because I'm desperate to touch Him, but I'm held back by my fear of rejection. I'm in a back and forth battle with that fear.
It's like there's God on one side, me on the other, and my fifty foot fear in the middle pushing me away every time I throw myself toward the arms of Jesus.
I need to be free of this.
I need to see Him!
I have to know Him as Daddy, and REALLY know that He's my father.
Pastor Jeff gave such beautiful examples of God as Dad using his daughter and her love and trust for him.
I want that!
I want to be the little girl that runs to her Daddy with a busted knee and begs Him to "kiss it better".
I want to sit in my Daddy's lap and curl His big burly beard in my fingers and giggle at His funny faces.
I want to play at the feet of my Father, while He watches on, His broad face consumed by an expression so loving that onlookers would coo.
I want to bury my face in the musky neck of my Daddy at night while He rocks me, the bass of His voice lulling me to sleep.
I want Him to attack me with tickles until I can't even breathe.
I want His massive arms to carry me when I'm so distraught, I've given up on walking.
I want to see Him in the distance and drop everything to run to Him and wrap my arms and legs around Him in the biggest bear hug known to MAN KIND!
I want Him to be the Father I never knew.
The Father I never had.
And I want to be the daughter I couldn't be.
The daughter I wanted to be.
God. I need revelation of who I am to you as a daughter. I need you to reveal Your heart to me. Open things up to me that I've never known before. Please keep bringing the painful things to the surface so that You can heal them. I promise, to the best of my weak ability, I will trust You during the whole process and I will focus on Your beautiful face. Purify me, Daddy. Make me the daughter You would delight in! Amen!!!
I don't know if anyone else has really noticed it but recently the Lord has really been revealing His Father heart at DBC. I know just about everyone I talk to has been being worked on by the Lord concerning their earthly fathers.
I'm one of them.
Since about January, I've been realizing things about my dad that I never noticed, or cared to notice before. God's been bringing up past hurts, and it really stinks. I've spent my whole life ignoring the fact that my dad left a huge emotional scar on my heart. I've brushed it to the side and acted as though it was nothing more than just a little scrape, when in reality it's this huge infected gaping hole that I haven't allowed God to heal. I'm going to pretty much spill my heart in this blog because I need to, and it's going to get messy.
I need to get it off my chest, and I'm hoping it will help someone else in a rough spot with their dad.
When I was about 2 years old my parents split up. I don't really remember them fighting but I know they didn't get along. I'm not sure if my memories of them fighting are real or something my mind has conceived out of things they've told me.
I grew up without my dad there to teach me to ride a bike, or kiss my scratched knee's. When I was around him, he mentally wasn't there because he was either on drugs or drinking. I mean, he did try, and I do have several memories of this. Such as, when he made it a point to be there for my first day of school every year in elementary school. We'd cruise up to the drop-off point blasting AC/DC and I'd feel like I had the COOLEST dad in the universe. Or when my parents were still together and he spun me around over his head and called me Superwoman. Things like that are there, but very few, and very far between.
Growing up without a father caused me to replace that father-less hole with other things. Like boys. I was a ridiculous tomboy in elementary school, and I hung out with nothing but guys well into high school. I just wanted to be one of the guys. This had a pretty negative effect on me and I had to learn to not be so dependent on boys after becoming a Christian. Which was hard, but by the grace of God I grew more partial to being around girls.
Anywho, my dad has been very much absent my entire life, and has chosen drugs and (at one point) a woman over me. Leaving me feeling betrayed and alone, even though he was hardly there. I still have a scar from this and it's very, very raw. The Lord's been showing me this hurt and how it's effecting our relationship.
-I don't trust my father; so it's hard to trust God.
-My dad chose things over me; I'm afraid God will choose things over me.
So on and so forth.
The biggest issue seems to be that I don't even have the slightest clue what it means, or what it feels like to be a daughter to a father. I've never had that relationship. Never. Is that not crazy to anyone else? I do not and probably will not ever know what it feels like to be a daughter to my dad. This breaks me. It's tears open that scar so easily, like my heart is paper thin. I don't know what it feels like to be loved by a father.
-This has taken a toll on my relationship with God.
-My relationship with authority.
-And my relationship with the opposite sex.
I'm almost terrified of men. I have this deep fear that when I meet my future husband, he'll abandon me. Or, bore of me. I'm scared of divorce, because it's all I know. I'm scared because I don't know what marriage is supposed to look like.
All of this stuff is coming to the surface and wrecking me. I have done nothing but forgive my father my whole life. I've never hated him, and believe me I've tried. I can't. I love him. So much. So much it hurts me to call him because I'm terrified that we'll begin to get a relationship and he'll just drop me again. I don't blame him for anything though. I don't want this blog to make my dad sound like the worst father ever, because he's not. He did how he knew best to do. It's just that our lack of relationship has wrecked my relationship with God and I'm devastated because I'm desperate to touch Him, but I'm held back by my fear of rejection. I'm in a back and forth battle with that fear.
It's like there's God on one side, me on the other, and my fifty foot fear in the middle pushing me away every time I throw myself toward the arms of Jesus.
I need to be free of this.
I need to see Him!
I have to know Him as Daddy, and REALLY know that He's my father.
Pastor Jeff gave such beautiful examples of God as Dad using his daughter and her love and trust for him.
I want that!
I want to be the little girl that runs to her Daddy with a busted knee and begs Him to "kiss it better".
I want to sit in my Daddy's lap and curl His big burly beard in my fingers and giggle at His funny faces.
I want to play at the feet of my Father, while He watches on, His broad face consumed by an expression so loving that onlookers would coo.
I want to bury my face in the musky neck of my Daddy at night while He rocks me, the bass of His voice lulling me to sleep.
I want Him to attack me with tickles until I can't even breathe.
I want His massive arms to carry me when I'm so distraught, I've given up on walking.
I want to see Him in the distance and drop everything to run to Him and wrap my arms and legs around Him in the biggest bear hug known to MAN KIND!
I want Him to be the Father I never knew.
The Father I never had.
And I want to be the daughter I couldn't be.
The daughter I wanted to be.
God. I need revelation of who I am to you as a daughter. I need you to reveal Your heart to me. Open things up to me that I've never known before. Please keep bringing the painful things to the surface so that You can heal them. I promise, to the best of my weak ability, I will trust You during the whole process and I will focus on Your beautiful face. Purify me, Daddy. Make me the daughter You would delight in! Amen!!!
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